finally 24

Kitenda Dorah
2 min readJan 6, 2021


photo by pin interest

Alas Iam 24!

Twenty four rings a bell to many of us, especially to the young ladies, it not only reminds you that you have actually grown but arouses a lot of unmatched feelings of fear, worry, responsibility and pressure.

Internal and External pressure.

Within you, you feel its okay to be 24 but societal pressure is making you feel its an offence because of the many myths attached. For the young ladies its; “when are you getting married?” and for the young men; “what have you done?”

On look, I actually look younger than my age. To many Iam maximum 19, but hey, am passed teenage, 24 just looks young on me, haha.

Wondering why am boldly revealing my age; not so usual for girls especially those approaching the ‘you should get married’ age bracket in most African settings, well Iam bold because yes I have not achieved what society may want me to have achieved by 24, but trust me am super proud of my self. True, I don't have a lot but am somewhere at least. I have taken much bolder steps than marriage.

Finalizing my first degree of study in my dream course; Journalism and Communication at one of the top universities in Africa and the world as a whole; Makerere university. As a communication specialist, I don't take it for granted. Yes, its just a degree, but trust me for a girl child in an African setting like Uganda, travailing the hardships that come along the journey of life; completing my four year course and with good grades is a win!

At 24, as a communication specialist, I have been able to write for one of the biggest media houses in Uganda, Nation Media under the Monitor Publications as a sports reporter, writing sports news stories in both English and my mother tongue; Luganda. In addition to the over 50 sports bylines, I have a couple of write ups about health and nutrition that I compiled for Ark organics Uganda; one of the very few organic shops in Kampala Uganda. And personal blogs that I scribble to air out my feelings and encourage some one attached to the topic at hand; being a role model to many.

Not so common for very many girls to travail in tech, I have worked as a System’s Administrator at both Ark Organics Uganda and currently at Abc Stiles and Bathz Uganda.

Just like any young girl of my age, I have bigger ambitions and life prospects but it doesn't mean I should fore look what I have achieved sofar.

I wrote this in celebration of my 24th birthday.

