Learn this; We have different prayer patterns!

Kitenda Dorah
3 min readMay 17, 2020


“What is that that you pray for everyday?”

I have heard and seen several people critic people that always pray commonly referred to as ‘prayer warriors.’ “Why do they pray that much, they think God is deaf! Oh yes! They know God has ears and actually have faith. But prayer is a mindset, Lets look at the parable of the talents.( Matt 25:14)

While distributing the talents, one was given 5 bags of silver the other 2 bags and the other one. The varying ratios in distribution relate to our prayer lives. They stand for the grace to pray given to each one of us. Each is given according what he can do. Some can simply mention a word and its answered and inside them they feel peace that they have prayed, some have to go an extra mile. This parable points at us and our prayer life. It explains why we have intercessors. Not everybody is can intercede.

Before you start asking that person why he is such a ‘prayer warrior’, have you taken time to find out why he is always in ‘His’ presence? “Is he even asking anything from God?” Have seen people give up recognizable positions for prayer. Do you think such a person is asking from God. I mean, he has been ‘there’ where many of you wish to be, I know that small voice inside you is whispering; “they pray to regain the positions.” Do you hear it, haha! but hey, they left out of personal will and actually they are doing so fine. So, why would such a person pray?

If prayer was really asking from God, it would only be for the unwell (financially or socially).

We have circled prayer to asking from God, but some people actually spend their whole time praying for others, “yes, praying for you!” Recently a youth friend asked me whether there is some one who goes before the Lord and prays for others without praying for himself, yes, some people are that selfless. Well as you are busy sarcastically calling him a prayer warrior, he is busy praying for you. He is pleading for your pardoning and breakthrough. You may wonder how that prayer warrior knows about your needs but there is what we call the Holy spirit, do you know what it does? He is a revelator of my mysteries.

Iam not saying the prayer warriors are the holy of holies nor against you who prays once in a while or short prayers.

The race is not to the swift or the battle to the strong, nor does food come to the wise or wealth to the brilliant or favor to the learned; but time and chance happen to them all. (Ecclesiastics (9:11). Its not about frequent prolonged prayers of short inconsistent prayers, its grace.

We have different prayer patterns, Don’t be the judge!

