Religion cannot dictate my dress code!
“Its okay to call me nonspiritual, spoilt, indecent or worldly but you will not dictate over my life!”
This whole thing called decency confuses me, what is decency? What is the standard unit for decency?
I love fashion and if asked what moves me; “Fashion and love.” However, my love for fashion has got me into a lot of controversy especially with my church connections. People think being you is indecency. There is what the church has branded as decent. It’s like we as believers, we are meant to be in our own world when it comes to dress code. But the Bible says
What is decent and indecent dressing anyway?
One will say decent is covering your whole body and indecent is leaving your body parts outside. If this is what defines these two words then by now the Karamajongs in Northern Uganda would be non-existent. They would have been burnt by the Sodom and Gomorrah fires because the last time I was there, half their bodies were left out. But God still calls them his people. He loves them for who they are.
I’m not advocating for nudity but I feel people are misunderstood for what they put on.
I know of those scriptures that the so-called ‘holy’ use to judge others; out of the abundance of the heart, the mouth speaks(Luke 6:45). Before you think about correcting the other remember Jesus’ words “Do not judge and you will not be judged.” (Matt 7:1–5) For we have all sinned and fallen short of his glory.
My uncle always kept complaining about my dress code, so one time he decided to take me to a boutique to buy me new clothes, ‘the ones he called decent.’ To my surprise, we left the boutique with what he has always called indecent, hehe. He realized that decency was not about covering the whole body but being you and comfortable.If you feel comfortable in a long dress, well and fine, if you feel comfortable in those shorts you are good to go. No one should define your peace for you.
I’m a tongue speaking believer by the way, I know one may grumble that I know nothing about Christ, “I’m spirit filled”,me who is ‘indecent,’ the Holy spirit takes time to reveal mysteries to me too. Do you know why, He does not focus on physical adornment but the heart, your soul. He is not interested in our dress code.
I think most ‘holies’ have attributed spirituality to dress code, Isn’t this religion that Paul teaches about in Colossians 2. I mean, it’s very easy for me to put on the so called decent to look good yet my heart is very far from spirituality.
I hate religion, it dictates your life, this is good that is bad, eat that don’t eat this, do this not that! It is a veil that makes you live a lie! Paul calls it a “shadow” to reality. It’s of no use to fulfill the dictates of religion but die in silent.
One time a church lady almost the same age as my mother or slightly above, my mum is 45, broke her silence and told me; “I wish I had a body like yours and could dress like you!” Do you know what this lady is going through; Denial. She has lived a lie because she has to paint a picture of what is termed as decent by her community. If God really paid attention to our outward stature, David would not be king of Israel, Eliab would be. (1 Samuel 16:6–7).
Christ is peace, and I believe in individual spiritual change. Just because the Holy Spirit convicted you to stop putting on damage pants, it doesn’t mean I should also adopt that. It’s you not me. Everybody has a forbidden fruit!
Don’t let anybody dictate your life!