Why you should keep pushing

Kitenda Dorah
3 min readMay 15, 2020

“You are a brand C.E.O that doesn’t have to miss out in the world!”

We may think Chief Executive Officers (C.E.Os) are only in financial business but am yet to introduce you a new set of C.E.Os, “You.” You are a C.E.O of a very crucial brand, “your life.” Yes, you are that special!

You should not give up on it.

Unlike any other businesses that focus on research ,consultation, our lives are ours. We cannot consult others on whether to live or die. I mean, its your life, you have full control over it. You own the strategic plan to it.

Like any multinational brand C.E.O, we as our life C.E.Os encounter set backs and felt like giving up, we have all cried behind walls, we have felt out competed, we have all felt alone. Amidst all this, we should remember we are an important brand the world has never had!

Whenever we feel like giving up lets reminiscence about the the pace we were yet to set. If Mark Zuckerberg had given up, would we have facebook? I know some of you would say “yes,” but trust me we are each special, yes, one would have thought of something close to Facebook but not Facebook, that idea and brand was only meant to generate from Mark Zuckerberg. We would miss out on it.

On interaction, one may describe me as one of the strongest persons because I always wear my beautiful smile. But come on, am human, I also have weak points, I too cry. At one point I cry before the mirror and wash my face after.

However, I have discovered one secret that am about to share with you, in such dark sides of life, ‘The secret behind a book and a pen.’ “I write.” From different experiences, I have learnt to believe in the healing within writing. You think am saying this because am a writer, but in such times you don’t have to necessarily be a writer. Like how listening to music heals both non-singers and singers, so does writing. With or without the art of writing, you can hold a pen. At moments when I cannot share with anybody, I confide in my book and ink, I pour out my soul to my book. Confiding in my book is beautiful because; I pour out my soul to me; Confused? See; The book is mine, so am writing to myself. Nobody else will have learnt about my weak point that may probably be used against me.

Have you ever seen organisation C.E.Os cry before their employees, or tell them that they are giving up, they always keep it to themselves, and if the worse gets to the worst, they share with the few partners they confide in. My notebook and pen are my partners in building my life brand so i confide in them at weakest of points.

Everytime you feel like giving up remember, you hold a special brand that needs not to miss out in the world.

Attimes you only need to share with paper.

